A panorama of MLP audiences and sexual preferences
This felt both funny and creepy to me at the same time.
Cannot. Unsee. perverted ugly nerds beating up a little girl for pony toys O_o
I don't know if some of these persons in the flash were meant to be allusions to certain real persons. (I guess not? If yes, they probably are pretty traumatized now for a couple of days after seeing this interpretation of themselves.)
I think this was intended to be a parody using the old cliché of over-the-top variants of D&D/Manga nerds, applied to bronies (which are the latest cult of nerd fandom you could say) - The animesque style suits quite well to the Otaku weirdness, and 'Magic the Gathering' was probably just used as a play on words with the show's title to emphasize the nerdom (seeing that MtG is comparable to D&D's nature of a basement-dweller's tabletop game with a ruling system that could almost become a course of studies)
If there's a deeper meaning (e.g. because Magic is a hobby from one of the assumed real persons this flash is based on), i didn't catch that.
It's also interesting that D&D, MtG and MLP are all products from Hasbro.
But what the heck, i am probably overinterpreting this piece of flash that was simply meant to be some brony-trolling animation made for the lulz in the first place^^
I'm normally not creeped out that easily (seeing how you get used to the disgusting over time on the internet anyways.)
In this case it was probably induced by the fact that i like both Magic the Gathering and My Little Pony G4 myself (which in my opinion is, while not something you should boast with in public, nothing to be ashamed of), so i felt somewhat adressed - although i (fortunately!) can't identify myself with these sick twisted pony ass admirers.
So if anyone of you feels insulted by this, remember that it's very probably not the case that you look, let alone act like that. It's called exaggeration, a famous device that you find everywhere on Newgrounds.
There's no reason to be afraid this could stain the image of bronies either. It was never entirely clean in the first place, but nobody with half a brain will think only furries watch that show either after watching this.
The image of our average Newgrounder depicted in most flash videos seen here is a retarded obese failure; you know that (well, at least) not everyone looks like that.
There are also people telling your that every atheist is a pontential antichrist or that every Muslim is a terrorist; you don't believe that crap either, do you?
Just as with users on Newgrounds, Muslims and atheists, the prejudices against bronies only apply to a lesser part.
And who doesn't get this isn't worth the regret.
While it admittedly can be a bog that attracts some sickos, you can watch MLP:FiM normally like any other show (that by the way also always comes with a Rule 34). It's a well-made series (although i don't want to go into detail; the idolizing of MLP got parodied as well - at least regarding the actual merchandise, where i gladly agree with anyways) with top-notch (flash) animation and voice acting, and while it might have some dubious pony ass fan service, you don't have to feel offended by this little piece of artistic flash parody if you don't care about that furry aspect, do you?
Also i find it hilarious how because of all that flaming about brony hate and brony hater hate (never forget, haters gonna hate, don't let that distract yourself), nobody apparently mentioned yet that the father sticks the vibrator on his wife's genitals in front of the child as if it was the most mundane thing to do :D
That's actually pretty important (why yes, vibrators are important in this video) because i'm pretty sure i think that's the hidden message from Spazkid:
Don't fap to ponies, fap to real women. (Or score with them, duh!)
Because you don't want to end up like these jerks in the video ;)
So remember my fellow bronies: Ponies are there to love and tolerate them - but in a platonic way.
This flash kindly wants to remind you of that.
...Well, not that kindly to be honest. But afterall we're on Newgrounds, remember?